“Everything is one energy” - Alan Watts 

It’s all one energy,” this is the really the point. I mean, if you understand that this whole universe is one energy and you’re it, you don’t really have any much in the way of further problems. I mean, you have some few practical problems, like how to make a good table or a beautiful dress or whatever it is that you’re after. But you don’t have any more metaphysical problems when you see that.


This is one of my favourite quotes from Alan Watts. This truly opened my horizon. Once you realize that you are part of everything then there is nothing to fear anymore. We are like waves in the ocean or leafs on a tree. We are unique like every wave but still part of the ocean. We are born from it and part of it and at the end we will transition back to the state we were before we were born. Our lives are just one step in our overall journey.