I'm just an ordinary person studying Tao/Taoism and Tai Chi

with the aim to apply my learnings to our modern world. 

Here are some of my comments/thoughts from my journey so far.  


This posture also contains only one breath cycle across the gathering & expanding section. You i....
This posture also contains only one breath cycle across the gathering & expanding section. You inhale very slowly during the first section (gathering) where you get your arms and feet into position before you step forward and brush your knee. During the second section (expand) you slowly exhale while you step forward, brush your knee and push with the other arm but during the last repetition (third) the exhalation is not finalised in this posture since it continues into the next posture.
#taichi #taichi24 #taichibreathing
This posture also contains only one breath cycle across the gathering & expanding section. You i....
This posture also contains only one breath cycle across the gathering & expanding section. You inhale very slowly during the first section (gathering of the energy) where you half step forward with your right foot and hold the ball. Then during the second section you slowly exhale where you unwind the torso and separate the arms into their final position. This releases the stored/gathered energy.
#taichi #taichi24 #taichibreathing
Parting the Wild Horse’s Mane PostureThis posture contains one breath cycle spread across the ....
Parting the Wild Horse’s Mane Posture
This posture contains one breath cycle spread across the two main sections of the posture. The first section is the centering of the body and gathering of the energy, where you visually hold the ball. During the first section you inhale. During the second section where the practitioner expands and steps out to left or right, you exhale to support this movement.
#taichi #taichi24 #breating #breathingtechniques
After many years of practicing Tai Chi I recently decided to revisit some fundamentals of the Ta....
After many years of practicing Tai Chi I recently decided to revisit some fundamentals of the Tai Chi 24 form. This one was my first major form which started my passion for Tai Chi.
Over the next few weeks I will go through each posture starting at the beginning and re-explore the breathing part of it.
Opening Posture
The opening posture contains two breath cycles.
The first cycle starts by slowly inhaling when you move your weight onto the right foot and lift your left foot to the left. The first cycle finishes by slowly exhaling when placing the left foot onto the ground and moving your weight to the left foot so that it is evenly distributed across both feet.
The second cycle starts by slowly inhaling when you raise both arms. The inhaling is supporting the raising action of your arm Read More
Here is a summary of the Tai Chi principles I have covered through my recent posts over the last....
Here is a summary of the Tai Chi principles I have covered through my recent posts over the last few weeks.
#taichi #taichiprinciples
The mind is the leader and the body is at its command. With tranquility of the mind the movement....
The mind is the leader and the body is at its command. With tranquility of the mind the movements will be gentle and graceful. The mind should see what the body is trying to achieve. Perfection is achieved when the two are unified and harmonized into a complete whole.
#taichi #taichiprinciples #internalexternalcoordination
The 5 BowsWhen an archer is drawing a bow, the energy stored in the bow is potential energy. Thi....
The 5 Bows
When an archer is drawing a bow, the energy stored in the bow is potential energy. This potential energy gets released when the archer is releasing the bow.
During tai chi this potential energy(jin) gets created and stored within the body. Instead of considering the body as one bow, 5 separate bows were identified within the body. Each arm and leg was identified as a bow as well as the curvature of the spine. The combined power of those bows are greater than any individual one. Hence each limb of the body and the spine is playing an important part of the creation of the potential energy when practicing tai chi.
#taichi #taichiprinciples #5bows




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