I'm just an ordinary person studying Tao/Taoism and Tai Chi

with the aim to apply my learnings to our modern world. 

Here are some of my comments/thoughts from my journey so far.  


Great visualization of the six Tai Chi stances.#taichichuan #taichi #taichistance
Great visualization of the six Tai Chi stances.
#taichichuan #taichi #taichistance
Sometimes you find something on the web, which is perfect and doesn't need to be modified and ne....
Sometimes you find something on the web, which is perfect and doesn't need to be modified and needs to be shared with the community -> Like this image found at brisbanechentaichi.weebly.com
Zhan Zhuang (站桩), also known as standing meditation or standing post, is a foundational practice in Chinese internal martial arts (such as Tai Chi, Xing Yi Quan, and Ba Gua Zhang) and Qigong. The term translates to "standing like a post" or "standing like a tree." It involves holding specific static postures for extended periods to cultivate internal energy (Qi), improve physical health, and develop mental focus.
Key Features of Zhan Zhuang
Static Postures:
Practitioners stand in specific positions, often with the arms held in front of the body as if embracing a tree (hence the name "standing like a tree").
Common postures include Wuji Stance (neutral standing) and Hugging the Tree (Cheng Bao Zhuang).
Relaxation and Alignment:
The body is kept relaxed but aligned, with proper posture to allow the free flow of Qi.
Emphasis is Read More
Remember when Neo first visits the oracle and meets the boy that is able to bend the spoon. The ....
Remember when Neo first visits the oracle and meets the boy that is able to bend the spoon. The conversation between those two are in my opinion one of the most powerful scenes in all matrix movies.
The boy says to Neo:
"Do not try to bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth...there is no spoon. Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself."
What the boy is trying to say is that Neo is not a separate entity in the matrix. Everything is Neo and nothing is not Neo. Basically Neo is the entire matrix allowing him to become self aware that allows him to change itself/matrix.
#matrix #taoism
I finally finished re-visiting the breathing aspect of the Tai Chi 24 form. I summarised it for ....
I finally finished re-visiting the breathing aspect of the Tai Chi 24 form. I summarised it for each posture on my website.
Have fun and enjoy it.
#taichi24breathing #taichi24 #taichi
I keep coming back to this book for revisiting some parts of the book.It is full of information ....
I keep coming back to this book for revisiting some parts of the book.
It is full of information and one of my favourite ones.
And yes I am not associate with the author and do not get any commission in recommending this book. I just love it and I thought it is worth sharing.
"Cultivating the Civil and Mastering the Martial: The Yin and Yang of Taijiquan" explores the dual aspects of Tai Chi (Taijiquan) practice.
Here’s a brief summary:
The book delves into the balance between the internal (civil) and external (martial) components of Tai Chi. It emphasizes how these complementary aspects work together to create a holistic practice.
Key Themes
Civil Aspect: Focuses on the internal cultivation of Qi, mental clarity, and emotional balance. Techniques like meditation, breathing exercises, and the flow of movements help to harmonize the body and mind.
Martial Aspect: Concentrates on the practical application of Tai Chi as a martial art. It includes the study of forms, push hands, Read More
Perspective is everything.#taoism
Perspective is everything.
Found this excellent example of a near perfect tai chi posture. The shoulders are above the tail....
Found this excellent example of a near perfect tai chi posture. The shoulders are above the tailbone, the tailbone is above the heels and head is perfectly suspended. I highlighted the axis with the red line. If you stick to this principal the movements are much easier and flow easier.
Happy practicing :)




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