I'm just an ordinary person studying Tao/Taoism and Tai Chi

with the aim to apply my learnings to our modern world. 

Here are some of my comments/thoughts from my journey so far.  


The Five Steps (五步 / Wǔ Bù) form the footwork principles of Tai Chi, complementing the Eig....
The Five Steps (五步 / Wǔ Bù) form the footwork principles of Tai Chi, complementing the Eight Energies (八法 / Bā Fǎ). These steps represent different ways of moving, positioning, and shifting weight, ensuring balance, agility, and control.
The Five Steps are:
Advance (進步 / Jìn Bù) – Moving forward
Retreat (退步 / Tuì Bù) – Moving backward
Look Left (左顧 / Zuǒ Gù) – Moving or turning left
Look Right (右盼 / Yòu Pàn) – Moving or turning right
Central Equilibrium (中定 / Zhōng Dìng) – Maintaining balance in the center
These steps are not just physical movements but also strategic concepts in Tai Chi’s martial applications.
1. Advance (進步 / Jìn Bù) – Moving Forward
Meaning: Moving forward with balance and intent.
Principle: Expanding force while maintaining stability.
Application in Combat:
Used to close distance and apply pressure to an opponent.
Often follows Ji (Press) or An (Push) to drive an opponent backward.
Example: In "Step Forward to Deflect, Parry, and Punch," the step forward adds momentum to the strike.
Practice stepping forward Read More
The Eight Energies (Bā Fā / 八法) – Hand and Arm TechniquesThe Eight Energies (or Eight Fo....
The Eight Energies (Bā Fā / 八法) – Hand and Arm Techniques
The Eight Energies (or Eight Forces) are the core movements that define how energy is issued, absorbed, and redirected in Tai Chi. They are essential for both internal energy cultivation and martial applications. These energies are often divided into two groups:
Four Primary Energies (四正 / Sì Zhèng) – Fundamental and commonly used techniques.
Four Secondary Energies (四隅 / Sì Yú) – More advanced techniques for breaking balance and attacking from different angles.
The Four Primary Energies (四正 / Sì Zhèng)
These are the foundation of Tai Chi movements and are used in Grasp the Bird’s Tail, one of the most fundamental sequences in Tai Chi forms.
1. Peng (掤) – Ward Off
Direction: Expanding outward, like an inflated balloon.
Feeling: Buoyant, resilient, and structure-based rather than muscular force.
Used to deflect an incoming force without clashing.
Helps maintain postural integrity and prevent collapsing when pushed.
Example: In Push Hands, if someone pushes your chest, you expand outward Read More
The Thirteen Postures of Tai Chi (十三勢, Shí Sān Shì) form the foundation of Tai Chi prac....
The Thirteen Postures of Tai Chi (十三勢, Shí Sān Shì) form the foundation of Tai Chi practice. These postures, or energies, combine basic movements and principles of the art, integrating footwork, hand techniques, and body alignment. These postures are divided into eight basic hand techniques (八法, Ba Fa) and five footwork directions (五步, Wu Bu). Together, they represent the core movements and energies of Tai Chi.
For detailed information please refer to
#taichi #thirteenpostures #eightenergy #fivesteps
Great visualisation highlighting the difference of the 'Single Whip' between the different Tai C....
Great visualisation highlighting the difference of the 'Single Whip' between the different Tai Chi style.
#taichi #singlewhip #yangstyle #sunstyle #wustyle #chenstyle
Tai Chi - The True History & Principles by Lars Bo ChristensenI really enjoyed this book especia....
Tai Chi - The True History & Principles by Lars Bo Christensen
I really enjoyed this book especially the history chapter with the insides of the ancient scripts that was preserved by the Li family. Also the in-depth discussion about the philosophy of tai chi is really interesting.
P.S I am not associate with the author and do not get any commission in recommending this book. I just love it and I thought it is worth sharing.
"Tai Chi: The True History & Principles" by Lars Bo Christensen offers an in-depth exploration of Tai Chi, delving into its historical roots, philosophical foundations, and core principles. Christensen, a seasoned Tai Chi practitioner and scholar of Chinese culture, presents a comprehensive examination of the art form.
The book sheds light on ancient texts preserved by the Li family of Tang Village for over three centuries, notably discussing "The Thirteen Movements," a sequence of postures documented in the late 16th century. These movements, originating from the Read More
The 'three external harmonies' principal is one of the core Tai Chi principals but also the most....
The 'three external harmonies' principal is one of the core Tai Chi principals but also the most forgotten one.
The three external harmonies principal
involve the shoulders and hips, the elbows and knees, the wrists
and ankles.
• The shoulders move in harmony with the hips.
• The elbows move in harmony with the knees.
• The wrists move in harmony with the ankles.
• the hips lead the shoulder
• the knee leads the elbow
• the ankle leads the wrist
e.g. If the shoulders lead the movement of the hips than the practitioner will be top heavy and your opponent can easily borrow your energy.
#taichi #taichiprinciples #threeexternalharddrives
My instructor keeps reminding me that there are no secrets in Tai Chi but if there would be one ....
My instructor keeps reminding me that there are no secrets in Tai Chi but if there would be one then it is practicing your Tai Chi daily.
#taichi #taichichuan #taichisecrets #taichipractice




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